
Winter Season In Bangladesh Drawing

Hello All,

How are you doing today?
I am happy to see you in my blogpost.

This is my art blog where I'm going to show you my drawing of the Winter Season of Bangladesh.


This is my own drawing but the idea is not my own and I'm not getting the credit for the theme.
I got the idea of this drawing from here.


I drew the entire pencil sketch at first where I drew a house, some date trees with pot for collecting date juice and two peoples getting warm with fire.


Then I started coloring it with my poster color and I started coloring the house first.


After I successfully colored the house, I started coloring the trees, the sky and other green places.


Then I colored the road and those peoples with the fire and I gave finishing touch of the coloring at this step.


After I gave finishing touch on the drawing, it gave this final look.

Then I got a nice finishing.

That's it.

I'm trying to learn such drawings that's why I'm practicing with others work at first.

I'm still learning and trying to do better with my drawing.
So please don't think otherwise and keep supporting me.

Some of my best drawing posts.

image.pngRabindranath Tagore. IMG_20200706_024637.jpgDoctors Against COVID-19. IMG_20200711_204424.jpgSpirit of the forest. image.png Night Seascape.
image.pngBamboo Forest. IMG_20200731_033135.jpgVillage Life. IMG_20200805_214422.jpgRooftop Garden. 1 19.jpgVillage Life-2.
2 (4).jpgPortrait @ashikstd. IMG_20200809_010914.jpgBean Plant on Rooftop. IMG_20200810_004702.jpgBangladesh in Rainy Season 1 (4).jpgReflection.
3 (5).jpgMother's Shadow. IMG_20200815_115539.jpgMy 2nd Portrait IMG_20200827_033032.jpgA Mermaid IMG_20200827_232650.jpgA Little Girl Talking to A Sunflower
IMG_20200904_211317.jpgA Landscape of Venice, Italy IMG_20200908_023013.jpgFlower Girl IMG_20200912_231637.jpg The Clock Tower of London IMG_20200914_230222.jpg Rice Field
IMG_20201005_140741.jpg A River of Bangladesh IMG_20201005_145404.jpg A deer in the forest. IMG_20201010_210515.jpg A Boatman Returning Home IMG_20201020_165312.jpg Life of village ladies
Village Scenery IMG_20201021_234133.jpg Palanquin in a village road

About Me.

I'm Sharmin Akter Mim from Bangladesh doing Bachelors in arts in a govt university in our country.
I'm the one and only wife of @ashikstd.
With my little effort, I'm trying to help my husband in this bad time and I'm trying to understand this blockchain.

I want to say goodbye now.

I'm hoping that this post will get some nice view and I'll be trying to do better next time.

Stay safe & stay home for corona epidemic.


Winter Season In Bangladesh Drawing


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